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Research Grants Council (RGC) Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) S3 The University of Hong Kong

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Postgraduate Scholarships

Apart from awardees of the HKU Presidential PhD Scholar Programme (HKU-PS) and the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS), other full-time PhD and MPhil students who hold a first degree with second-class honours first division (or equivalent) or above are normally considered eligible to receive a Postgraduate Scholarship (PGS) during the normative study period, subject to availability of funding. Candidates' results in Master's degrees may also be considered.

The basic level of scholarship is HK$18,390 per month (wef 1/9/2023). A PGS holder whose PhD probationary candidature has been confirmed will receive a higher PGS rate (HK$18,890, wef 1/9/2023) with effect from the following calendar month after his/her probation is fully confirmed.

The award of PGS, including the PGS for HKU-PS and HKPFS awardees, is tenable on an annual basis and renewable upon satisfactory progress, availability of funding, and upon compliance with the conditions in the Regulations Governing Postgraduate Scholarships. The value of the Scholarship is subject to review by the University from time to time.


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