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Joint Scholarship Programs : DAFI Scholarship Program, SPARK Scholarship Program, IsDB Scholarship Program, Yemeni Pioneers Sholarship Program, WIPO Scholarship, Higher Education Support Program

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Joint Scholarship Programs


Joint scholarship programs are scholarship programs offered to certain disadvantaged groups within the framework of special themes in cooperation with international organizations and other public institutions.

Albert Einstein German Academic Refugee Initiative (DAFI) Scholarship Program
The DAFI Scholarship Program, run by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) with the financial support of the Albert Einstein German Academic Refugee Initiative Fund (DAFI), has been offering higher education scholarship opportunities to Syrian students in Turkey since 2016. YTB is the implementing partner of the project in Turkey. Within the scope of the scholarship program, students' monthly stipend, tuition fees and health insurance are covered.
SPARK Scholarship Program
With the SPARK Scholarship Program carried out by SPARK as of 2020, financed under the Facility for Refugees in Turkey (FRIT), Syrian students under temporary protection are offered scholarships at the higher education level in their countries of residence. YTB is the implementing partner of the said scholarship program in Turkey. Within the scope of the scholarship program, students' monthly stipend, tuition fees, health insurance and Turkish language education are covered.
Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Scholarship Program
Türkiye Scholarships - Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Joint Scholarship Program was launched in 2020 as a result of the protocol signed between YTB and IsDB. The main aim of the program is to provide higher education opportunities at top universities of Türkiye to students with excellent academic and co-curriculum performance from IsDB member states and Muslim communities around the world. Within the scope of the program, both undergraduate and postgraduate programs are offered. Program covers students' monthly stipend, accommodation support, tuition fees, health insurance, one-year Turkish language course and one-time round-trip flight tickets expenses. Click here to see the list of departments and countries from which applications are received within the scope of the Türkiye Scholarships - IsDB Joint Scholarship Program.
Yemeni Pioneers Scholarship Program
The Yemeni Pioneers Scholarship Program, launched in 2019 within the scope of the protocol signed with the Veysel Karani Turkish-Yemeni Said Foundation, is a scholarship program created to improve relations between Turkey and Yemen and to contribute to the development and stability of Yemen. The scholarship program aims to provide education in our country's universities in areas of need that will help the development of their country in the future, as well as to develop leadership skills among students. Within the scope of the scholarship program, students' monthly stipend, tuition fees, health insurance, Turkish language education and flight tickets are covered.
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Scholarship

Within the scope of the scholarship program conducted in cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), TÜRKPATENT and Ankara University with our presidency, 5 students are studying at Ankara University Intellectual Property Law Post Graduate Program without Thesis for 1 semester. In accordance with the protocol signed between TÜRKPATENT and our Presidency, these students, financed by TÜRKPATENT, are included in the scope of Türkiye Scholarships. Our Presidency was included in the program in 2017. In accordance with the protocol signed between TÜRKPATENT and our Presidency, these students who will be funded by TÜRKPATENT are included in the scope of Türkiye Scholarships.
Higher Education Support Program
Within the scope of the program carried out jointly with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), various support programs are organized for Syrian students who continue their university education. In 2022, 25 academics from 23 universities were assigned to provide support and counseling to Syrian students regarding their academic and social problems. Apart from this, it is planned to organize training programs on conflict resolution and communication techniques for Syrian and Turkish students, academics and related university personnel in 10 universities. In order to support the transition of Syrian students to the job market after graduation, studies are carried out to organize an internship program in Gaziantep, which has been selected as a pilot province. An online education platform has been created to support students in various fields. In 2022, pocket money support which will be paid twice a year will be provided to a certain number of students.
Türkiye Scholarships Baykar Technology Joint Scholarship Program

A joint scholarship program has been established in the fields of aviation, technology, space and administrative sciences in partnership with Türkiye Scholarships and BAYKAR Technology. As of the 2022-2023 academic year, scholarships will be provided to students from developing countries in the fields of aviation, technology and space at undergraduate and graduate levels. Within the scope of the scholarship, monthly pocket money, accommodation expenses, round trip flight tickets will be covered by Baykar Teknoloji during the education period of 300 students. Scholarships will be given for different departments, including Mechanical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Computer Engineering, Materials Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Business Administration, Economics, International Relations, Electrical Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Social Sciences and Health Sciences. Thanks to the scholarship program, the understanding of Turkey's National Technology Move will be instilled in young people from target countries who will come to Turkey to receive higher education, and a bridge will be created between countries in high technology production.

Türkiye Scholarships – NAMA Foundation Joint Scholarship Program

Türkiye Scholarships – NAMA Foundation Joint Scholarship Program is a competitive scholarship program, awarded to outstanding students and researchers from Indonesia, Tanzania, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Yemen and Malaysia to pursue their studies at the most prestigious universities in Türkiye. The joint scholarship program, which started in 2022, is jointly funded by YTB and NAMA Foundation. Program aims to build a network of future leaders committed to strengthening cooperation and mutual understanding among countries. Within the scope of the joint scholarship program accommodation, monthly stipend, health insurance, tuition fee, one-time round-trip flight ticket and one-year Turkish language course expenses are covered.


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