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Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarships Research Students (Graduate School Students & Research Students)

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Types of Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarships

As seen in the chart below, there are seven types of the Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship program. They are Research students, Teacher training students, Undergraduate students, Japanese studies students, college of technology students, Specialized training college students, and Young Leaders Program ( YLP ) students.
Those who wish to study abroad are required to apply in one of two ways: embassy recommendation or university recommendation. Please see the application selection process for details.

Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Student Eligibility

Research students You must be under 35 years of age and a college graduate (includes prospective graduates). Or you must have completed 16 years of schooling.
Teacher training students You must be under 35 years of age and a graduate of a college or teacher training college. You must have at least five years of active experience as a teacher in a primary, secondary or teacher training college in your country. (Please note that college and university teachers currently in active service are not considered for this scholarship).
Undergraduate students You must be at least 17 and under 25 years of age and have completed 12 years of school education or have completed courses in a school comparable to a high school (includes prospective graduates).
Japanese studies students You must be from 18 to 30 years old. You must be enrolled as undergraduate students in faculties or schools which major in Japanese language or Japanese culture in a university outside Japan at the time when they come to Japan and must be enrolled in the home institution at the time when they return to their home countries.
College of technology students You must be at least 17 and under 25 years of age and have completed school education comparable to a high school (a minimum of 11 years beginning in primary school) education (includes prospective graduates).
Specialized training college students You must be at least 17 and under 25 years of age and have completed 12 years of schooling or have completed school education comparable to a Japanese high school (includes prospective graduates).
Young Leaders Program (YLP) students You must be under 40 years of age (in principle), and university or college graduates who have practical work experience, young public administrators, etc. who are expected to play active role in Asia and other countries.


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