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Fukuoka International Exchange Foundation The Asia-Fukuoka Foster Parents Scholarship

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About the contents
[Which scholarships are listed?]
1. Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarships
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Spor ts, Science and Technology (Monbukagakusho:MEXT) of the Japanese Government has been inviting international students to study in Japan at state expense since 1954. Applications should be made through Japanese embassies or consulate-generals abroad or Japanese universities.

2. Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) Scholarships
“Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students” has been provided by JASSO. JASSO also offers “Student Exchange Support Program (Scholarship for Short- term Study in Japan)” for those accepted by Japanese schools under student
exchange agreements or other student exchange arrangements with their home schools out side Japan.

3. Local Governments / Local International Associations Scholarships
Local governments and local international associations in Japan provide scholarships to students living in their district as well as those who attending schools in their district.
Scholarships are arranged according to the location of where the foundations are located, from North to South of Japan.

4. Private Foundations Scholarships
Private foundations scholarships are provided by private companies or organizations. Reflecting the objective and character of the company or organization, scholarships are granted to students attending schools in a given district, or limited to special subjects related to the company, or to be provided to students from a certain country or region with which the enterprise has exchanges. Scholarships are arranged according to the name of foundations in Japanese alphabetical order.

5. Scholarships available abroad
Although most of the scholarships are available after coming to Japan, several local governments, local international associations and private foundations accept applications from oversea


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