The Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students
The Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students
This is a scholarship program for privately-financed international students with excellent academic and character records who are enrolled in undergraduate schools, graduate schools, junior colleges, colleges of technology, specialized course in specialized training colleges, university preparatory courses or Japanese language institutes in Japan (hereinafter "educational institution(s)") and are facing financial difficulties.
Monthly stipend
- Graduate/undergraduate level : 48,000 yen per month
- Japanese language institutes : 30,000 yen per month
Scholarship period
12 months (From April to next March) or 6 months (From October to next March)
Method of application
Please ask the staff at the educational institution in which you are enrolled
- ※The number of students an educational institution can recommend depends on the number of international students enrolled in it. Please note that depending on your educational institution, you may not be able to apply.
Definition of Privately-Financed International Student
The international students who are enrolled in educational institutions, except the grantees of the Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship or any Foreign Government Scholarship.
Requirements for grant of scholarship
The candidate must fulfill the following conditions. He / She must also sign on the sheet designated by JASSO every month at the international students’ office in his/her educational institution.
1. Eligibility
- The candidate is either enrolled as a full-time student in a graduate school in Japan or has an undergraduate degree, at the least, and is enrolled as a research student at the graduate level.
- The candidate is enrolled as a full-time student in an undergraduate school, junior college, college of technology (3rd grade or upper) or specialized course in a specialized training college in Japan.
- The candidate is enrolled as a full-time student in an advanced course in an undergraduate school, junior college or college of technology in Japan or preparatory Japanese language program.
- The candidate is enrolled as a full-time student in a university preparatory course in an educational institution in Japan with the objective to enroll in a university.
- The candidate is enrolled in a Japanese language institute with the objective to advance to an undergraduate school, graduate school, junior college, college of technology or specialized course in a specialized training college in Japan.
2. Conditions
- 1. The candidate must have a GPA of 2.30 or more at graduate or undergraduate level or the Japanese language institute in the previous academic year. In cases where the evaluation cannot be expressed in the form of GPA, the candidate’s evaluation result must be equivalent or higher at each of the mentioned levels.
- 2. The candidate must meet the required condition of Japanese or English languages.
- ※Except for the candidate studying at preparatory Japanese language program, a university preparatory course and Japanese language institutes.
- a. Those who have passed N2 level or higher in JLPT (Japanese-Language Proficiency Test).
- b. Those who have a score of 200 points or more in Japanese as a Foreign Language of EJU (Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students).
- c. Those who are above the language level separately recognized by JASSO.
- d. Those who are above B2 level or higher in CEFR.
- 3. After the scholarship is granted, the candidate must agree to cooperate in the career path survey conducted by JASSO through the educational institution in which the candidate is enrolled or other methods.
- 4. Allowance (excluding enrollment fee, tuition fee, etc.) received by the candidate must not exceed an average of 90,000 yen per month.
- 5. If the candidate has a financial supporter in Japan, his/her annual income must be less than 5 million yen.
- 6. The candidate must not be receiving a scholarship that cannot be combined with the Honors Scholarships.
- 7. The candidate must not be receiving support under JASSO’s international students support program.
Universities or Japanese language institutes suspended application of this scholarship at present
There are no such universities or Japanese language institutes at present.
Japan Student Services Organization (hereafter "JASSO") offers Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students who attend a university or other institutions of higher education in Japan. JASSO sponsors a reservation program for privately financed international students who achieve a superior score on the EJU, and enroll as regular students in a university undergraduate school, a junior college, college of technology (3rd grade or upper), or a professional training college in Japan.
(1) Eligibility
Applicants taking the EJU 1st session in June 2024, by any of the following eight subject test combinations, and enrolling as regular students (excluding research students, trainees, nondegree students, auditing students, etc.) in a university undergraduate school, a junior college, college of technology (3rd grade or upper), or a professional training college in Japan between May 2024 and April 2025.
[Eight EJU subject test combinations]
- 1.Japanese as a Foreign Language only
- 2.Japanese as a Foreign Language, and Mathematics (Course 1 or 2)
- 3.Japanese as a Foreign Language, Mathematics (Course 1 or 2), and Science
- 4.Japanese as a Foreign Language, Mathematics (Course 1 or 2), and Japan & the World
- 5.Japanese as a Foreign Language and Science
- 6.Japanese as a Foreign Language and Japan & the World
- 7.Mathematics (Course 1 or 2) and Science
- 8.Mathematics (Course 1 or 2) and Japan & the World
Those taking the English version of the Mathematics (Course 1 or 2), Science, or Japan & the World tests are also eligible to apply.
- *1 Those enrolling in a graduate school is not eligible.
- *2 If a particular subject test combination is taken by a very small number of examinees, there may be cases when no reservation holders will be selected from that group.
- *3 Applicants will be considered for selection on the basis of the subjects they indicated on their EJU application form, regardless of whether they took those subject tests or not.
(2) Scholarship Monthly Stipend
JPY48,000 (The amount is subject to change each academic year.)
(3) Enrollment Period and Duration of Scholarship
Duration of scholarship depends on the enrollment period.
- 1.For those planning to enroll between May 2024 and October 2024 : Six months, from October 2024 to March 2025.
- 2.For those planning to enroll between November 2024 and April 2025 : Twelve months, from April 2025 to March 2026.
Applicants who have been selected for Reservation Program set out in (5) Selection 1. may extend duration of scholarship until completing your course of study when the applicant enrolls in a Japanese university undergraduate school, a junior college, college of technology, or a professional training college. The applicants must meet all qualifications (see following document). The enrollment period and duration of scholarship are as stated in the Reservation Notice for Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Student.
(4) Application Procedure
- For those taking EJU in Japan
- Please check "Apply" in the " Reservation Program for Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students(Scholarship)" column on the EJU online.
- For those taking EJU administered outside Japan
- Please mark a circle in the designated box on the EJU application form.
(5) Selection
Applicants whose EJU score is in the top rank among candidates will be reservation holders for this scholarship.
- 1.Applicants with superior score at overseas exam site
Those who achieved superior score for each subject test combination indicated in (1) Eligibility at overseas exam site will be selected as reservation holders with qualification for potential extension of scholarship duration. - 2.Applicants with good score regardless of the exam site of EJU
Those who achieved good score for each subject test combination indicated in (1) Eligibility will be selected as reservation holders for single year scholarship.
(6) Notification of the Selection Results
Applicants selected as reservation holders will be able to download Reservation Notice for Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students(hereinafter Reservation Notice)from "My Page" on EJU Online. Reservation Notice can be downloaded from the end of August.
We will post the examination registration numbers and the reservation number on our website.
(7) Scholarship Application
In order to receive scholarship, reservation holders need to notify JASSO about school they will enroll in and submit the copy of their Reservation Notice to their school. They will be recommended by school and approved as scholarship recipients by JASSO.
(8) Cancellation of Entitlement
Scholarship reservation will be cancelled if any of the following circumstances occurs.
- 1.The reservation holders include false information or faults due to gross negligence in the application documents.
- 2.The reservation holders fail to enroll in a university undergraduate school, a junior college, college of technology (3rd grade or upper), or a professional training college in Japan during enrollment periods indicated in (3) Enrollment Period and Duration of Scholarship.
- 3.The reservation holders become disqualified in any other aspect.
(9) Scholarship Recipient Requirements (as of February 2024)
To receive the scholarship, a reservation holder must meet all of the following requirements.
- 1.The student must have the status of residence “Student” as defined in Appendix 1 to the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act (Cabinet Order No. 319 of October 4, 1951), and may not be a Japanese government (Monbukagakusho : MEXT) Scholarship student or a foreign state-sponsored student as defined in the Guidelines for Implementation of the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program (established by the Minister of Education on March 31, 1954).
- 2.The student must be enrolled as a regular student at a university undergraduate school, a junior college, college of technology (3rd grade or upper), or a professional training college in Japan.
- 3.The student should meet the grade point average and language skills for the scholarship awarding year.
- 4.The student must have intention to cooperate to the survey of academic and career status conducted by JASSO.
- 5.The allowance sent from the student’s private funding source may not exceed, on average, JPY90,000 per month (excluding admission and tuition fees).
- 6.The annual income of a student’s supporter residing in Japan may not exceed JPY5,000,000.
- 7.The student does not receive scholarship from other organizations that do not allow their recipient to hold the Honors Scholarship.
- 8.The student does not receive Student Exchange Support Program (Scholarship for Short-term Study in Japan) by JASSO.
- 9.The student should report to the international student affairs office at school. once a month, in order to confirm the official record of attendance.
(10) Termination of Disbursements
Scholarship payments may be terminated after enrollment if any of the following situations occurs and the President of JASSO deems that termination is necessary.
- 1.The student no longer fulfills all of requirements 1. to 8. in (9) Scholarship Recipient Requirements.
- 2.The student’s status of residence changes to a status other than “Student.”
- 3.The student transfers to another school or withdraws from school.
- 4.The student's school reports that the student’s academic standing, etc. is extremely poor.
- 5.The student is determined to have provided false information in the submitted documents, etc.
- 6.The student is suspended or expelled from school, or is subjected to other punishments by the school.
- 7.The student fails to meet scholarship requirements / eligibility in any other situation.
(11) Other
Reservation holders who enroll as regular students at an institution that does not use EJU scores in its admission process remain eligible to request for their scholarships as long as they enroll in a university undergraduate level, a junior college, college of technology (3rd grade or upper), or a professional training college in Japan.
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