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ISU Bocconi Scholarship

ISU Bocconi Scholarship

Students who are ISU eligible, recipients and non-recipients, are also entitled to the total exemption from Bocconi university tuition and fees (with the exception of students in the first year fuori corso for which the exemption from tuition and fees is to be considered at 50%) and the total exemption from the payment of the regional tax and the registration fee.

Please note that for students enrolled in a Double Degree/Joint Degree program who, under the agreements signed by Bocconi University with partner universities, are exempt from the payment of the academic fees and tuition at Bocconi University, the benefit of the ISU Bocconi Scholarship does NOT imply exemption from the payment of the academic fees and tuition owed to the partner University.

To apply for the "ISU Bocconi Scholarship for the academic year 2023-2024", the enrollment, economic and merit requirements listed below must be met.

Students may not participate in the a.y. 2023-2024 application if they fall within one of the grounds for exclusion.

1a. Enrollment requirements

In order to participate, students must be enrolled in the 2023-2024 a.y., with the following conditions:

regular students: enrolled for the first time (absolute first year of enrollment) in a regular year of a Bachelor of Science, Integrated Master of Arts in Law or Master of Science program or for the first time in a year of a PhD program (if not recipients of a scholarship pursuant to Italian DM 224/1999 or Post Docs pursuant to Italian Law 449 of 27.12.1997.). It is specified that students enrolled in the a.y. 2023-2024 to a PhD program, must have been declared winners for the a.y. 2023-2024  of the admission competition to one of the PhD program activated at Bocconi University or have been duly admitted for the a.y. 2023-2024 to attend a year of PhD program following the first.


“fuori corso” students: enrolled for the first time (absolute first year of enrollment) in the first year “fuori corso” after the regular Bachelor of Science, Integrated Master of Arts in Law or Master of Science program has ended

1b. Economic requirements

In addition to the information above, students can apply for ISU Bocconi Scholarship only if they also meet the economic requirements defined annually by the Lombardy Region with its own resolution.

For a.y. 2023-2024, the values set by the Lombardy Region will be the following:

ISEE/ISEEU Parificato no higher than € 24.335,11;

ISPE/ISPEEU Parificato no higher than € 52.902,43.

All details regarding the economic requirements for a.y. 2023-2024 are available on this webpage.

Please read the "Regulatory updates" webpage which you can find at this link.

1c. Merit Requirements

Finally, the student who has reached the required CFU (merit requirement) may participate in the a.y. 2023-2024 application:

Students enrolled in the first year

  • 44 credits by August 10, 2024 for first-year students of a Bachelor of Science Program or Integrated Master of Arts in Law ;
  • 39 credits by August 10, 2024 for first-year students of a Master of Science program;

Any changes in the number of credits, which may derive from exceptional measures, will be communicated through the publication on the website.

To students enrolled in the a.y. 2023-2024 in the first year of a Bachelor of Science, Master of Science or Integrated Master of Arts in Law the merit requirements will also be verified ex post.

Failure to achieve the merit requirements set for the first year will entail the revocation of the benefit.

Students of years subsequent the first

> The credits listed in the table below for students enrolled in years subsequent to the first:

Yaer of program in A.Y. 2023-2024

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