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DVCR Completion Award

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Applications for DVCR Completion Awards are to be submitted at specific times, normally four rounds per year. The application dates for the application rounds to be held in 2024 are as follows:





Please note:  Applications submitted outside these specific dates will not be considered.



DVCR Completion Awards are funded by the University of New England to encourage timely doctoral completions.

DVCR Completion Award will only be awarded to those doctoral students who can clearly demonstrate their thesis will be submitted within the period of award.


  • A DVCR Completion Award will normally be available to eligible candidates entering their fourth year of candidature; that currently hold or has been in receipt of an UNE HDR funded scholarship.
  • Candidates must have completed their data collection or equivalent, and must be in write-up stage.
  • The maximum period of award is six months.
  • Candidates must be enrolled full-time.
  • Candidates must be strongly supported by their Principal Supervisors.
  • Candidates may only be awarded the DVCR Completion Award once.
  • Candidates who have already exceeded maximum duration of candidature and/or scholarship will be ineligible to apply for a DVCR Completion Award.
  • Externally funded candidates may be considered; however, evidence of external funding agreement must be provided in the application.

Students must submit:

  • A detailed Doctoral Thesis Completion Plan (including clear and measurable bi-monthly progress reports with milestones to be achieved and a percentage estimate of completion of each chapter/publication) and the likelihood of the thesis being completed and submitted for examination within the award period;
  • Statements of support and endorsement from the Principal Supervisor, confirming and completion of milestones
  • Endorsement from the HDR Coordinator.
  • Endorsement from the external funding body or attached grant (if applicable).

Payment of Award

The maximum value of the award is RTP base rate per annum (a maximum of six months award period), this will be paid in fortnightly instalments.

In addition, the DVCR Completion Award may fund course tuition fees and Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for successful candidates.

The first instalment will be made payable within two weeks of commencement date as specified in the offer letter; subject to acceptance.

Conditions of the Award

Successful applicants will be required to sign an acceptance form agreeing to the following:

  • Successful applicants will be required to be enrolled full-time.
  • The DVCR Completion Award will normally commence the day after the current scholarship expiry date.
  • Candidates may be liable for any tuition fees outside of the term of the Award.
  • Periods of leave will not be available during the period for which the award is granted; unless in extenuating circumstances
  • During the term of the award, progress must be monitored on a regular basis by the Principal Supervisor, in accordance with timelines outlined in the completion plan.
  • Failure to make satisfactory progress may result in the cessation of award payments.
  • Submission of bi-monthly progress reports to the Graduate Research School.
  • Failure to submit bi-monthly progress report may result in cessation of the Award.
  • Submission of the thesis for examination is required by the deadline indicated in the offer letter.
  • No extensions to the final deadline will be granted and failure to submit the thesis by the submission date could result in the candidate being required to refund the award payments.

Submitting the Application Form and Supporting Documentation

Please ensure that you complete all sections of the application form as per the instructions and provide all supporting documentation as requested in the guidelines.

Submit the application electronically via the AskUNE interface: https://hdr.custhelp.com/

Note: Successful applicants who are attached to an external funding body or grant are responsible for advising the appropriate organisation of the extension to their candidature and new thesis submission date.


University of New England, Elm Avenue, Armidale NSW 2351, Australia

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